Mourinho takes issue with Conte pulling a Mourinho

Typical Jose…

Jose Mourinho is not one to take losing very well. When his merry band of high-priced players comes into Stamford Bridge and gets humiliated by four goals, you know he’s not going to just smile and walk off the pitch.

After the match, the former Chelsea boss wasn’t too pleased with Antonio Conte trying to get the home fans off their feet and make some noise late in the match, instead of just being content with the 4-0 lead.

Mourinho was not pleased with that gesture from Conte and let him know about it after the match with an earful.

Even though Mourinho wouldn’t tell the media exactly what he said, reports looking at footage figured it out anyway, claiming that Mourinho took issue with Conte urging on the fans and thinking that Conte was looking to humiliate him.

That’s pretty rich considering how many times in the past we’ve seen Jose lose his mind on the Chelsea sideline after a big win (no matter the scoreline).

It is what it is. Jose is going to be Jose and be bitter after a loss and try to shift the spotlight on anything other than his team getting completely outclassed on the day. Surely Conte won’t be bothered by his counterpart’s angst and enjoy the great win.

[via We Ain’t Got No History – Chelsea](

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